- SBI Foundation
- Tech Mahindra Foundation
- Cognizant Foundation
SBI Foundation
SBI Foundation, the CSR arm of SBI Partnered with Bangalore Speech and Hearing Trust, Lingarajapuram, Bangalore, India to make resources available to the most vulnerable population of the society, to reach the unreached with services related to communication disorders. The CSR partnership Project is entitled “Upgradation of Clinical Services of Dr. S.R. Chandrasekhar Institute of Speech and Hearing”. The grant amount of the project is Rs. 1,41,04,650/- for the span of 3 years from January 2022- December 2024.
Focus Area of the CSR project partnership would be to offer Clinical services to individuals/ children/ persons with Speech, Language and communication disabled / impaired.
The CSR partnership is facilitating the organisation to procure the state-of-the-art technology Clinical equipment and assessment material to promote better, accurate and faster methods of assessment. Some of the areas covered would be identification of hearing disorders, newborn/ infant hearing screening, assessment of vestibular / balance disorders, diagnosis of voice problems in geriatrics, singers and professional voice users like teachers, swallowing deficits in neurological disorders and cancer patients, to name a few. The project will focus on increasing the awareness of these issues in rural areas, and facilitate clinical services to the underserved/ unreached population. The organisation will collaborate with government hospitals/ PHC’s / state nodal agencies to reach the economically backward / underserved population in the region of Bangalore urban and rural population.
Direct beneficiaries will be people residing in rural Bangalore, surrounding areas like Kolar, Hoskote etc.
- Upgradation of equipment needed to continue clinical services.
- Assessment and management of communication disorders through latest state-of-the-art instruments and resources.
- Access to clinical services for patients of nearby major government hospitals,
- where there is no such facility.
- Support to on-going programs aimed at reducing disability due to hearing impairment in infants and young children, e.g, cochlear implant rehab and AVT program
- Improved access to quality care at subsidised/ free of cost for patients identified at out station camps.
- Initiate new programs like affordable care for patients with swallowing disorders with referrals from hospitals and other health facilities.
- Clinical services include a wide area of disorders related to speech and hearing specialities e.g., diagnosis of hearing loss at birth, young ages of children, at adult ages and geriatric age groups. Services also include identifying tumours/ neurological conditions earlier and refer to appropriate medical facilities, identifying voice problems in singers and other professionals and offer appropriate therapy so that lifelong handicap can be prevented. Treatment to improve life functions like chewing and swallowing of food after neurological conditions, childhood disabilities etc.
- Equipment needed for these are listed out and would help in Institute’s objective of Affordable Diagnostic and Rehabilitative Care to Persons with Speech and Hearing disability in the lower socio-economic strata
- Services to patients in rural areas around Bangalore (50-70Kms) through outreach programs
- Early identification and intervention of communication disorders, which leads to better prognosis.
- A window of opportunity for persons with speech and Hearing disability to receive main-stream education and be meaningfully integrated in society.
- Manpower development through academic and professional training program
- Adequate resources for facilitating clinical research in the area of communication disorders to strengthen evidence-based practice
List of instruments funded by SBIF in this project:
- Otoacoustic Emission
Why is this test done: The OAE test is used to find out how well your inner ear, or cochlea, works.
It measures otoacoustic emissions, or OAEs. These are sounds given off by the inner ear when responding to a sound. There are hair cells in the inner ear that respond to sound by vibrating. The vibration produces a very quiet sound that echoes back into the middle ear. This sound is the OAE that is measured.
How Is the test done: A small earphone, or probe, is placed in your ear. The probe puts sounds into your ear and measures the sounds that come back. You do not need to do or say anything during the test. The person doing the test can see the results on the monitor screen.
Who benefit from this test: The OAE test is often part of a newborn hearing screening program. It can be done to differentially diagnose cochlear and retro cochlear disorders
- IHS ABR equipment
Why is this test done: The auditory brainstem response (ABR) test tells us how the inner ear, called the cochlea, and the brain pathways for hearing are working.
How is the test done: You will have electrodes put on your head to get ready for the ABR. The electrodes are stuck to your skin and connected to a computer. They record brain wave activity in response to sounds you hear through earphones. All you have to do is rest quietly or sleep during the test. You do not have to say or do anything. The person doing the test will see the results on a computer printout.
Who benefit from this test: Difficulty-to -test population like children, patients with cognitive deficiencies
- Video Otoscope
A simple otoscope is a medical device which is used to look into the ears. Health care providers use otoscopes to screen for illness during regular check-ups and also to investigate ear symptoms. An otoscope potentially gives a view of the ear canal and tympanic membrane or eardrum. Because the eardrum is the border separating the external ear canal from the middle ear, its characteristics can be indicative of various diseases of the middle ear space. The presence of earwax (cerumen), shed skin, pus, canal skin edema, foreign body, and various ear diseases can obscure any view of the eardrum and thus severely compromise the value of otoscopy done with a common otoscope, but confirm the presence of obstructing symptoms. An otoscopy is routinely done on all patients to check for wax and/or infections.
- Videonystagmography (VNG)
VNG is a test that measures a type of involuntary eye movement called nystagmus. These movements can be slow or fast, steady or jerky. Nystagmus causes your eyes to move from side to side or up and down, or both. It happens when the brain gets conflicting messages from your eyes and the balance system in the inner ear. These conflicting messages can cause dizziness.
What is it used for?
VNG is used to find out if you have a disorder of the vestibular system (the balance structures in your inner ear) or in the part of the brain that controls balance.
Why do I need a VNG?
You may need a VNG if you have symptoms of a vestibular disorder. The main symptom is dizziness, a general term for different symptoms of imbalance. These include vertigo, a feeling that you or your surroundings are spinning, staggering while walking, and lightheadedness, a feeling like you are going to faint.
Speech Training software is a real-time dual-screen speech assessment and training system that helps analyze, document, teach, reinforce and report speech waveform in various applications. It’s a powerful clinical and teaching tool that provides highly versatile information for speech assessment and therapy features.
Children and adults can benefit from this software
- Real Ear Measurements
Why to do this test: Often many differences in the type of Hearing Devices they are prescribed, the patient’s unique ear canal acoustics and the method in which the Hearing Device is passing sound into the ear. Real Ear Measures help to overcome these differences by allowing the Audiologist to objectively measure and verify the sound that is being delivered at the ear drum. The benefits of this process can be applied in varying scenarios from initial hearing aid fitting to troubleshooting. As a consequence, performing this method can help to gain better satisfaction from your patient from their first fitting and less follow up appointments.
How is this test done: REM mainly involves placing a fine probe microphone into the ear canal to measure the sound at the ear drum. These measures include the response of the ear canal acoustics and the hearing aid and can help the clinician to adjust the hearing device specifically to the patients’ ears.
Who will benefit from this test: Any individual who is using a Air-conduction Hearing aid
- New Micra Audiometer
Why is the test done: is a behavioural test that is aimed at measuring the severity and balance of an individual hearing loss. Audiologists conducts pure tone audiometry test and analysis the recorded audiogram to determine the degree of hearing loss to an individual, which will help in diagnosing and rehabilitation of the patient.
How is the test done: Headphones and placed on both ears and the patient is asked to raise a finger or press a button to indicate the presence of stimulus. It can also be done using loudspeakers. Pure Tone Thresholds (PTT) show the quietest sound audible at least 50 percent of the time.
Who benefits from this test: Any individual who needs his/her ear tested.
provides tools for comprehensive acoustic analysis of voice and voice measurements. It also has utility in speech therapy. This software can be used for children and adults for assessment and therapeutics, and by researchers for storage and analysis of speech sample.
- Sound level meter :
Sound-level meter is a device for measuring the intensity of noise, music, and other sounds. A typical meter consists of a microphone for picking up the sound and converting it into an electrical signal, followed by electronic circuitry for operating on this signal so that the desired characteristics can be measured. The indicating device is usually a meter calibrated to read the sound level in decibels (dB; a logarithmic unit used to measure the sound intensity). This can be used to measure the noise level at different setups such as at traffic, schools, classrooms, engine noises etc.FEES
- Pupillometer:
Pupilometer is a system used to measure cognitive aspects of auditory process or listen, it measures increase in attention due to increase in auditory load for auditory stimulus.
It also measures dimensions of pupil in terms of speech accuracy and spatial orientation. It is commonly used in auditory research involving measurement of effort and listening
Flexible fiberoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing (FEES) is a procedure designed to assess swallowing function through the use of a flexible nasopharyngoscope which offers visualization and imaging to examine the pharyngeal and laryngeal structures. The endoscopic assessment can be a valuable addition to the evaluation and treatment of the pharyngeal swallow. This procedure allows a trained and skilled speech language pathologist to evaluate the swallowing impairment as well as appraise the effects of swallowing treatment.
- Video otoscope:
- Stroboscope
The stroboscopy test uses a rapidly flashing light to examine the voice-box (larynx) and the vocal cords. It is a quick procedure that helps in the diagnosis of the underlying problems that may be causing voice issues, such as hoarseness, loss of voice etc. Stroboscopic imaging of vocal fold vibratory function during phonation continues to play a central role in diagnostic, therapeutic, and surgical decisions during the management and treatment of voice disorders.The procedure can be done for both adults and children
On the occasion of International Day of People with disability, Speech and Hearing awareness week was conducted in association with Indian Speech and Hearing Association – Bengaluru Chapter as a part of the same program Dr.SRCISH organized an “Awareness Program for ASHA and Anganwadi workers on Communication Development” on 14h December 2022 at Dr. Babu Jag Jeevan Ram General hospital BBMP. Awareness program was funded by Indian Speech and Hearing Association – Bengaluru Chapter. The purpose of the funded program was to educate these professionals about the importance of early identification and intervention for speech, hearing, and feeding development in children.
On December 2nd 2022, Dr. S.R.Chandrashekar Institute of speech and hearing with support of SBI foundation organized an awareness program at Sir. C.V Raman general hospital to mark the International Day of People with Disability.
Project Visit by SBIF officials
SBI Foundation, VP-CoE, Mr.Ravichandran, had visited the organisation on 7th may 2022. Mr. Suresh, presented the list of equipments proposed for the project in 2 phases. He explained the function of each equipment, its need, improve quality of service, widen the reach of service. Mr.Suresh explained the planned process of implementation of the project. The SBI official was informed about the expected outcomes of the project. The present status of the project was explained, including the plan to conduct awareness programs and the road map to collaborate with Government centres and hospitals was explained. Mr. SureshBabu, Treasurer of the organisation, explained Mr.Ravichandran, how BSHT is expanding the services.From around 10 years, we are providing infant screening services for high risk babies at 2-3 Govt. hospitals in Bangalore. The availability of the equipments helps in expanding the services not just to high-risk babies, but to all new born babies at the present centres also to facilitate the govt policy of NPPCD. We also plan services at Rangadore Charitable trust, JP Nagar, Bangalore and also at Swami Vivekananda Integrated Rural Health Centre is located in Pavagada. He informed that the organization is working on collaboration with primary health centres to facilitate the rural clinical services, training of Anganwadi workers and primary health workers. Dr. Sarika, also added that massive school screening programs have been planned to be executed with the equipments and test material provided by the project, highlighting the need for early identification and facilitating inclusion of the special children according to NEP in India. Mr .Shanthavadan explained work at institute on regular basis, nature of the institute as NGO and its impact on general population , its consistent financial stability. Mr .Jayram and Ms.A. Srividya explained the process of purchase of implementation of equipment, documentation done and the status of phase 1 of the project. The road map and outcomes projected were approved by SBI official. Request for training was made by CSR in charge Dr. Srividya and admin. , Mr. Jayaram. SBI agreed to provide and share documents related to that and also provide the help in documentation and training.
The site visit team comprised Mr. Shashi Bhushan, COE, SBIF; Mr. Rakesh Jha, manager, projects and training, COE, SBIF, and Mr. Reshwin, communication team, SBI foundation were given a comprehensive tour of the facility, equipment, resources. They also went through the demonstration of the equipment in use.
Project manager’s visit to Dr. SR Chandrashekar Institute
On the 10th of February, 2023, the SBI Project Manager, Ms. Shruti Mohandas visited the Speech and Hearing facility for an official visit. The purpose of the visit was to understand the facilities and equipment available at the facility and to check and finalise the program schedule for SBI project inauguration function. The visit also included a demonstration of some of the instruments used for diagnosing speech and hearing disorders The visit began with a tour of the Speech and Hearing facility, where the Project Manager was given a comprehensive overview of the available equipment and facilities. The tour was led by Dr. Srividya .A who explained the various procedures followed for diagnosing speech and hearing disorders, including the types of equipment used, and the functions of each of the rooms within the facility. Ms. Shruti noted down the instrument’s details by comparing it with the available instrument list.
Following the facility tour, the Project Manager was given a demonstration of instruments used for diagnosing speech and hearing disorders. The demonstration was carried out by the department’s specialists, who provided a detailed explanation of each instrument’s functionality. The functioning of the instruments were demonstrated on patients as well as on subjects.
All 12 equipment received under the project were shown. Ms. Shruti made a note about the use and functioning of the equipment during the visit. Further she discussed the upcoming inauguration event to be held with Dr. Srividya. Project manager Ms. Shruti completed her visit by exchanging ideas and requirement about the upcoming event.
SBI Project Manager’s field visit Report
On the 21st of February 2023, the Project Manager – Ms. Shruti Mohandas, SBIF, visited Sir. C V Raman General Hospital to analyse the outreach program organised by Dr. SRCISH . The purpose of the visit was to gain insight into the outreach program’s effectiveness in providing medical care to remote and underserved communities. The outreach program at CV Raman General Hospital aims to provide medical care to communities that have limited access to healthcare services. The program comprises a team of healthcare professionals provides newborn hearing program, assessment of hearing and balance of both adults and paediatric population . The team also educates communities on hearing and speech development in children general hearing care practices and the importance of preventive care.
Project Manager, Ms. Shruti was introduced to the department in the hospital and was familiarised with the regular work setup of the audiology department at hospital and the nature of work in the audiology department. She was given a live demo of newborn hearing screening procedure using screening Otoacoustic Emission (OAE). Further assessment of hearing among adults were demonstrated using audiometer and video otoscope. The Project Manager also interacted with the outreach team which consist of Audiologists and speech language pathologist and the communities they serve to gain a first-hand understanding of the program’s effectiveness.The analysis revealed that the outreach program has been successful in providing medical care to underserved communities. The program has helped to improve access to healthcare services and has contributed to reducing the burden of preventable diseases in the communities.
SBI Project Inauguration Report
On 20th February, 2023, the inauguration of the CSR project funded by SBI Global Security Services Pvt. Ltd. and implemented by State bank of India Foundation (SBIF) was held at Bangalore Speech and Hearing trust (BSHT), Dr.S.R.C. Institute of Speech and Hearing, Lingarajapuram, Bangalore.
Bangalore speech and Hearing trust is an NGO, non-to-profit charitable institute registered under NGO Darpan. It is a 45-year-old organisation working in the area of communication disorders, providing clinical services of assessment and management of communication disorders through Dr.S.R.C. Institute of Speech and Hearing. BSHT provides quality education to the children with hearing impairment at Sunnad school for hearing impaired. The institution also conducts manpower development programs with UG and PG programs of Speech, language and hearing sciences. The recently established research centre is growing rapidly in new areas of research, expanding the scope of operation of the institution.
State bank of India Foundation, the Corporate Social responsibility arm of State bank of India touches the lives of millions of the poor and needy across the length and breadth of the country. The focus areas of the Bank’s CSR activities include Healthcare, Education, Livelihood, Skill Development, Environment Protection of National Heritage, Empowerment of Women, Youth & Senior Citizens etc. SBI foundation Partnered with Bangalore Speech and Hearing Trust to make resources available to the most vulnerable population of the society, to reach the unreached with services related to communication disorders.
The partnership Project between SBIF and BSHT, the ‘Upgradation of Clinical Services of Dr. S.R. Chandrasekhar Institute of Speech and Hearing’, amounts to Rs. 1,41,04,650/- for the span of 3 years. The project aims at providing clinical services to persons with Speech, language, hearing and communication disorders. Communication disorders can have a huge impact on an individual’s capacity to exchange information, thoughts, ideas, feelings and interaction with others. Addressing communication disorders, improves quality of life, and reduces the burden on self, family, and society at large. Communication disorders include conditions like hearing impairment, developmental speech delay, speech language impairments in association with conditions like Cerebral Palsy, mental retardation, cleft lip and palate, lack of language stimulation, behavioural conditions etc. BSHT provides speech language rehabilitation for communication disorders in addition to identification of hearing disorders, newborn and infant hearing screening, assessment of vestibular and balance disorders, and even diagnosis of voice problems in geriatrics and professional voice users like teachers.
The occasion was graced by Smt. Uma Shanmukhi, MD & CEO, SBI Global Securities Services Pvt. Ltd., Shri. Nand Kishore, CGM, SBI Bangalore Circle, and Shri. Sanjay Prakash, Managing Director & CEO, SBIF. Mr.Murali Iyer, Company Secretary, SBI SG Global Securities Services Pvt Ltd, Mr.Shashi Bhushan, VP, SBIF and Ms.Shruti Mohandas, Deputy Manager, SBIF were also present. The team inaugurated the most sophisticated equipment purchased under the project. The equipment included the stroboscope, Fiberoptic endoscope system, Sound level meter, Videonystagmography, and Auditory Brainstem response Audiometer.
The instruments were inaugurated by the dignitaries and BSHT professionals provided the demonstration of the equipment. They were impressed with such sophisticated and functional equipment being used for the identification, and management of communication disorders. The BSHT professionals explained how the equipment are not just latest but also are portable with capacity to be used while camps in rural areas. They were particularly impressed and curious about the stroboscope and FEES equipment which provided functional capabilities of vocal tract, voice and swallowing assessment helping the professionals decide about the management of the condition.
Lion VV Krishna Reddy, Chairman, BSHT said ‘’BSHT intends to reach the rural population in areas including Tumkur, Kolar and Hoskote, because everyone deserves the right to be heard, understood, and communicate effectively regardless of their geographical location. This partnership between SBIF and BSHT is helping ‘Reach the unreached’.” Mr. Suresh.T, the vice-principal and Research Coordinator of the Bangalore speech and Hearing Research foundation, presented the updates about the project so far, with data about the beneficiaries serves till now across areas, the qualitative and quantitative output metrics achieved by the project since the implementation of the project in January 2022. He highlighted the collaboration of the organisation with Government hospitals like Sir CV Raman Hospital and BBMP Babu Jagjivan Ram hospital, Bangalore.
Smt. Uma Shanmukhi, remarked, “BSHT is doing an excellent job of serving the individuals with communication disorders for the last 45 years. SBIF and SBI Global Security Solutions have immense trust in the organisation to implement the project successfully”. Mr.Sanjay Prakash, MD & CEO, SBIF, addressed the gathering as how the project fits in the aims of the SBIF touching the lives of millions of the poor and needy across the country. He was happy with the progress achieved by BSHT so far from last year in catering around 14k beneficiaries.
The representatives from Collaborative hospitals, Medical superintendent of Sir CV Raman Hospital and BBMP Babu Jagjeevan Ram hospital, Bangalore were present at the occasion providing affirmative accuracy and consistent contribution of the organisation for the persons with communication disorders.
All the dignitaries were felicitated at the occasion by the Management committee members of the organisation. Mr.Suresh Babu, Secretary of BSHT expressed his gratitude for the immense support provided by both SBIF and SBI global organisations and promised the objectives of the project would be met diligently with keeping the beneficiaries in focal point of the services.
Audiometer being used at C.V Raman , Bangalore. The instrument helps in identifying presence or absence of hearing difficulty where the patient can indicate the sensation. Usually done in toddlers and all age groups
FEES being used at Kidwai Memorial Institute of Oncology. This tests helps to view the structure as well as helps SLP’s in Swallowing assessment and treatment
- https://youtu.be/eK6BjvSGy70
- https://youtu.be/eypwoYr93K8
- https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/sbi-foundation-gives-charitable-medical-institute-dr-srcish-a-rs-1-41-cr-facelift-with-rare-equipment-like-indias-first-danish-pupillometer/articleshow/98201579.cms?from=mdr
- https://theprint.in/ani-press-releases/sbi-foundation-gives-charitable-medical-institute-dr-srcish-a-rs-1-41-cr-facelift-with-rare-equipment-like-indias-first-danish-pupillometer/1395613/
Details of Benificiaries Served Through SBIF Project

Details of beneficiaries served through SBIF project:
Month | No: of sessions of use | Total number of beneficiaries | Total number under BPL |
April – December 2022 | 175 | 13371 | 102 |
January – June 2023 | 404 | 4811 | 477 |
Total | 579 | 18182 | 579 |
Tech Mahindra Foundation (TMF)
ARISE+ is a special program of TMF that encompasses the Foundation’s work in the area of school education for persons with disabilities in the age group 3-18 years. The Foundation supports organisations working for the education of children with special needs. Schools those help and prepare these children to achieve their best potential and be part of outside world.
ARISE+ essentially focuses on the following interventions:
- early detection of disabilities in children
- support in the education of children with disabilities and leveraging assistive technology
- counselling for parents, teachers and other caregivers with techniques to take care of children with special needs
TMF has partnered with Sunaad School for the Hearing Impaired of BSHT to offer support for education of children with hearing impairment from the classes of Ist Std to 10th Std.
Details of the Project :
TMF had provided funds of amount Rs. 7,96,802/- for the year 2022-23 and the support is continuing this financial year 2023-24 with Rs. 14,38,400/-, through their Arise +program for Sunaad school for the hearing impaired.
Benefits of the Project:
- Through this project, in 2022-23, 4 teachers (Sign language, Maths, PE and Art and craft) were recruited and paid through TMF.
- The project also facilitated the face lift of the sports department with good no. of supplies to involve the school children in sports both indoor and outdoor activities.
- The funding helped in procuring art and craft material, with which the students made a no. of handmade painting s and craft material.
- The milestone achievement was provision of Induction loop system in.4 classrooms for the children who can use their existing hearing aid and listen to the teacher’s or education video content through classroom FM transmission directly. Background noise is cutoff in this system, therefore children can listen better and understand better and therefore their academic performance and retention of learned information will also improve.
- The project this year (in addition to support of last year) provided 20 refurbished desktop devices for developing the computer skills in children specially in high school, and provided the computer teacher as human resource too.
We are hoping to continue our partnership with TMF and make the improvement in in the quality of education for the children of Sunaad school for hearing impaired.

Cognizant Foundation:
Cgnizant Foundation granted Rs 14,07,722/ towards facilitating ICT. Classroom of Sunaad school for the hearing impaired. were facilitated with ICT. They also provided Debonded computers.